Hello, My Friend and Fellow Authors,
I hope 2021 was a good year for you'
If not I want to encourage you to hang in there and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you for a better 2022 year ahead.
We had a few setbacks but not too bad. My oldest son had a rough start transitioning to High school he had Covid the 2nd Week of school but I am so proud of him as he persevered and came to the top end of the first semester. He received his JR. Black Belt in Karate. I am so proud of him he worked hard and accomplished his goal.
This year I was able to publish two Children's books my first was a picture book Blundering Fishhooks, released February 2021, and also my book Tree House Dragons, released December 7, 2021. I am hoping to publish two more books in this coming year 2022, A Fur-Ever Friend a first Chapter book for 6-10-year-olds, and Unicorn Destiny a middle-grade book for 9-12-year-olds. I may also want to include in my goals a picture book.
For the past 3 months, I have been editing my middle-grade book Unicorn Destiny. I have been able to increase my skills as a writer by making sure each scene includes the six elements of a story I have really enjoyed seeing how my writing has improved from the past two years. I look forward to becoming even a better author.

Have a Great Year