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Image by Lukasz Szmigiel
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The Novel Inspiring Women Across the Country.

"Read it for four hours in my first sitting!"

Forced to live on her own, a young girl adventures through the woods with only her backpack and art supplies to survive in the wilderness in Oregon.


Through the terror of the loss of her parents, Zahara is left to make a life living in the wild country of OR. With only the clothes on her back and art supplies in her pack. She is forced to survive in the untamed wilderness of the Oregon mountains.


A teenager’s journey of survival facing wild animals and grief in a mountain forest using her art to find friendship, love, and new hope for her future.

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Ginger Summers lives in Loveland CO with her husband, two sons, and her two dogs. She enjoys writing for children and young adults with a goal to entertain and to inspire growth through challenges in life. She has published two short stories for children Tree House Dragons which was published in an online literary magazine Short Fiction Break. She has also published a short story eBook Joshua and Samantha’s Magical Adventure.  Her picture book Blundering Fishhooks will be published early in 2021. Zahara is her first novel. When she is not writing, you can find her exploring nature, scrapbooking with friends, and spending time with her family.

Image by Jeremy Bishop

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