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Happy New Year Hello 2021 bye 2020

Hello, all my Friends,

I am so happy to be heading into a new year but also nervous.

Have you set goals for this New Year? I will be swamped working on setting up a new routine to follow my word for this year. CONSITANTCY. Being constant has always been difficult for me. I will be constant for a week or two, but then something happens, and I am back to the old way of life. But this year it will be different. I have two books in particular that I am reading through to help me in this area. Better Than Before Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin and the other book is The Miricle Morning for Writers. by Hal Elrod and Steve Scott.

I also have the goal of writing and publishing a new book every three to four months.

The first book I am working on right now is Treehouse Dragons; it is a chapter book written for 6 -9-year-olds.

I am also going to work on A Fur-Ever Friend, which is also a young reader book.

Be sure to get a copy of my book Zahara Because later this year, I will be writing a sequel about Zeke's story.

Here Is the link to purchase from Amazon or my Publisher

I also have some signed. Copies available for purchase directly from me. For 17.99.

Please email me at

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